A guaranteed inclusive interview experience

February 08 2024

Attracting extraordinary talent and offering inclusive interview experiences

Our employees are offered toolkit support which offers guidance to encourage and empower them to take a collaborative and inclusive approach when conducting interviews. Our Culture Ambition Statement talks about our people and setting them up for success, it is important to consider this when conducting interviews.


We all want to work for a company where they bring their values into their day to day activities… when interviewing for a diverse workforce we need to remember what principles are important and how we link this to our CARE values


CONSISTANCY – Offer a consistent application and interview process for all applicants and also diverse recruitment panellists.
CONDUCT – Recruiting Managers must provide an interview environment that’s welcoming and professional for all participating. Conduct yourself fairly and ensure you evaluate the candidates with a non-biased approach.
CULTURE – Appoint the best person for the role however taking into consideration will they also support the wider companies culture strategy. This will also support with retention and engagement.
COMMUNICATION – Remember to communicate in a way that provides a warm, professional welcome and comfortable environment for all involved within the interview process, including colleagues.
If you are an internal member of staff and would like recieve your copy of the Inclusive Toolkit please email Emma.Alexander@hhft.nhs.uk